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[[{{{1}}}]] {{{2}}}[[File:{{{3}}}|link={{{1}}}]]
  • Britain is no longer a Roman province., Many Romano-Britons flee to Armorica. which soon becomes known as little Britain, or Brittany.
  • After besieging a portion of Vortigern’s army at Carlion, Aurelius Ambrosius marches through the entire island, accepting the submission of those loyal to Vortigern., Vortigern flees to Genoreu.
  • Caercolun was plundered this year, many were killed and enslaved., Crows has taken to living in the unfinished tower of the Roman Cathedral., Cyning Aelle marches an army to meet the British knights near Mearcred Creek., Hantonne was raided this year., King Claudas of the Franks invades Soisson, the last Roman outpost., The first Crow warns of it’s imminent call.
  • Duke Lucius of the Saxon Shore is killed in an ambush, Merlin receives the Sword Excalibur from the Lady of the Lake., The bailiff has gone missing, and there are rumours of monsters in the forest.
  • Hillfort knights has managed to elude the famous Hillfort bandits and find their camp., Prince Meliodas has taken in Gamond the Colossus’s young child., Rumours of Lady Pomponia keeping slaves spread., Sir Cadry comes back as a changed man from being lost for six months in faerie and strange things are afoot in Tisbury., Sir Melkin leaves for Brittany.
  • Against all odds King Uther manages to broker peace with the rebellious Duke of Cornwall., Cadry finally finds out who’s been killing his cows and making his wife sick. Old enemies return.
  • Duke Gorlois of Cornwall brakes the king’s Hospitality and uses winter magic to hide from justice., Sir Brastias refuses to betray the King’s hospitality, he becomes the new bodyguard., Sir Melkin finally returns from his visit in Brittany. Only to face hard and cold times., Three great armies come together under the dragon banner to defeat a saxon army of more than ten thousand men.
  • In the southeast, Aelle and Cissa besiege Anderida. AIl its Britons are sacrificed to Wotan., King Nanteleod of Estregales visits Tintagel, King Uther Pendragon marries Ygraine the Beautiful, Melkin get’s a clue to his brother’s whereabouts., Merlin summons a great fog to take Tintagel., The Queen becomes pregnant, Uther Pendragon marches his army towards the traitor Gorlois after the incident last year.
  • Elaine marries King Nentres of Garloth., Merlin tricks many knights from Britain to aid him in kidnapping the child of Uther, The Queen births a child., The beautiful Margawse marries King Lot of Lothain and Orkney, The knights who aided Merlin gets a trial.
  • A strange being crowns himself king of Hillfort, and the knights travel north to get him of their back., King Canan unites the warring tribes of Cambria., Octa and Eosa escape from London., Sir Maelgwyn the Bulwark get’s the wasting curse
  • A strange sword appears in a stone and an anvil in London., Bandits take camp in Woodhouse., Duke Ulfius closes his borders., Hundreds die in Salisbury in the raids from Saxons., Irish raiders threatens Escavalon and Estragales., King Idres threatens Logres from the south., King Uther Pendragon leads a great victory in St Albans. Crushing King Octa and King Eosa, personally killing one of them., King Uther, together with the gathered nobility of Logres, is poisoned by magical powers., Lady Ellen takes control of Salisbury and tends to the county’s defences., Raiders plunders large parts of Hillfarm., Rumours of dead walking in graveyards., Summerland is back to their old unwelcome self, travellers beware., The Port in Hantonne is lost, there is no connection to the sea., The Sheriff of Gentian and Salisbury locks himself in his tower. He takes no visitors and throws out all claims of justice with a simple “There is no law. Only Robyn’s-throat.”, The leaves of the old Oak in Tisseberrie turns red., There is trouble in Jagent., There is war in Duke Eldol’s old lands.
  • Cerdic Takes Wight., King Idres conquers Tintagel.
  • King Idres conquers Ascalon., Lady Ellen sends knights to fight as mercenaries for King Nanteleod against Irish Kerns., The Count of Huntington pays homage to the King of Essex., The old tower up in the mountains of Cambria is haunted, and some knights tries to bring an old family tragedy to close., The war in Cornwall is a success for King Idres. The army of Ascalon is outclassed and takes refuge in the city of Exeter, which is besieged., The “Duke” of Glevum (Heli) swears allegiance to Escavalon.
  • Lady Brangwen, Lady Marion and Lady Supera works their best to get their husbands back in the Adventure of the Three Ladies., Over the summer, messengers from all four of the Saxon kingdoms visit Sarum Castle., Several knights that went of on last years adventure to Mount Snowdon never return.
  • Caercolun marches their armies to battle, but the Saxons prove more numerous than expected, and the army is butchered., Cwichelm is the Saxon king. In fact, he and his people are not really Saxons at all, except in the generic sense. They are the Angles., In Jutland, Froda usurps the throne of the Danes and drives the last Jutes and the Angles from what will become Denmark., In mid-spring, a huge fleet of Saxons appears off the Caercolun coast. It sails to the Yar River and a horde goes ashore to sack Yarmouth. They re-embark and sail upriver only to disembark again near Norwich., King Nanteleod of Escavalon wins a small battle against the king of Byrcheiniog and gains his vassalage., King Nanteleod, with the newly allied hill men, marches west and attacks the Irish in their own kingdom of Estregales., King of Estregales is unprepared, but with his small household forces and local muster he fights a battle anyway, and is soundly defeated. Estregales swear vassalage to Nanteleod of Escavalon., King Ælle’s Saxon warriors from Suth Seaxe and the Jutes of Kent clash, marching against each other and meeting in battle deep in the Perdue Forest., The Saxon paymaster tries to not pay any mercenary knights in his employ, claiming that they did not fight and thus deserve no pay. The knights argue vehemently, and Ælle finally makes his paymaster pay., The Saxons assault Norwich, then starve out Buckenham and Thetford. They occupy those larger cities, and groups of Saxon warriors wander the countryside, robbing and killing. Thousands of refugees flee. When caught by Saxons, they are beaten and tied, they become thralls, or slaves, of the Saxons.
  • A small but determined band of Saxons breaks into the nunnery of Amesbury and tries to take Queen Ygraine., A small fleet of Saxons lands on the south coast, near Chichester, and takes over that city. The new chief, named Port, marches north, Angles Conquer Huntland and Hartland., Cerdic agrees to give a couple of cities to Port, who renames one after himself: Portsmouth., Counts of Hartland and Huntland visits the counts and desperately seeks volunteers to help defend their counties “for the good of all Britain,” they say., King Meliodas of Lyoness is missing, and his pregnant wife runs into the forest trying to find him. She dies as she gives birth., King Nanteleod challenges the Three Cadlews. Both of the kingdoms in southern Gales and also many of the mountain tribes are now under his rule., Morgan marries king Lot of Lothain., The Cadlews are defeated and killed., when he meets with the army of Cerdic, who is coming to see what has occurred, there is a battle — and Cerdic is defeated.
  • King Nanteleod spends the summer maneuvering through Lambor and Bedegraine, accepting the surrender of cities and besieging castles. The Duke of Lindsey, with his army nearby, does not engage., King Ælle and the others challenge King of the Angles in his claim to be bretwalda.
  • King Aesc of Kent and King Aethelswith of Est Seaxe both march out with their armies. They stop and besiege London, one army on each side of the river., King Nanteleod marches down the Trent, and three leaders meet outside of the city. Corneus plays it cagey, Malahaut is aggressive, and Nanteleod accepts the challenge and proposes that Linden Pool, with its duke and little army intact, be the prize of the battle between the kings., London surrenders to Sir Helifer and the Saxon lords, who thereupon enter and take possession of the city. The garrisons at both castles lock up tight., Nanteleod wins the day when Malahaut are crushed. It is a decisive victory., The King of Malahaut marches south, joined by Elmet, and begins plundering Linden., The Saxons besiege London, but although the Saxons normally don’t have siege equipment to break in, this time they do. They have hired Sir Helifer the Mercenary, who directs batteries and engineers, and even several mobs of desperate swordsmen to go up the ladders., Ulfius is greatly outnumbered, and he hears that Saxon ships have sailed for Windsor to block his retreat. He fights a short battle, and then escapes with his army at night.
  • King Idres continues his march of expansion. His army invades Somerset and besieges the city of Wells. After the necessary length of time holding out, it finally surrenders., The King of Somerset sends heralds to ask for help in fighting against King Idres.
  • Aethelswith dies, succeeded by Aescwine., King Cerdic marches north against Salisbury. With him is King Port, but Ælle is notably missing., King Nanteleod’s army moves south. It enters Wandborough, where the king welcomes the Salisbury knights to his army. They move south towards Sarum. King Cerdic raises the siege and marches north., Nantleod gives a famous speech., Prince Cynric threatens Salisbury. He says that his father, King Cerdic, backed by the kings Port and Ælle, will destroy Salisbury this summer if the countess does not submit now to him and then send her troops to help him in battle., The countess orders her people to the safety of the castles and city, and orders her army inside. (She keeps all the footmen and siege equipment, and sends most of the knights northward to wait at Wandborough.) The Saxons burn and pillage everywhere, but find little to eat. They lay siege to Sarum."{{{" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 1.
  • Battle of [[St Albans]]"{{{" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 1.