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{{AdventureHeader|Image=blankadventure.png|Author=SuspektApelsin, Arcas|Year=503}}

The saker returned promptly with the small prey hanging from his talons and as it landed on Maelgwyns outstretched arm the aging man beamed.
“This [[Cadry]], this is how it's suppose to be!” Reaching into his worn sabretache for a small morsel he gazed over at his friend
“ The noble beast returning to man; showing humility and receiving grace.”
Looking slightly annoyed and staring of into the distance, [[Cadry]] acidly replied “In that case, the hawk i brought must be the most ignoble, arrogant and hungry beast to fly on a pair of wings”.
“Although I am glad for your skill with the birds, mine has ever been with hounds and with a bow in hand”. Stretching as if to straighten his back, the old pagan kept scanning the skies for the malingering bird that was nowhere to be seen.
“It’s not that i do not enjoy the old way of hunting... it’s just more inconvenient in times like this.” [[Maelgwyn]] replied, motioning towards the pavilion. In the calm midday breeze he could hear the shouts of the playing children and the shrill sound of laughters. He had to keep them close. Had to keep them safe.
“Don’t you ever get bored of it?”
“Get bored of what, putting food on the table for my children?”
Taking a deep breath and trying to leash his foul temper, [[Cadry]] changed the tone of his voice to something more mellow, and slowly the look of irritation turned into one of tiredness.
“I am sorry if i come of snappy today. It’s not your fault or even the damn birds fault.”
“... I just feel like time is running away from me and that there still many things i have to accomplish before my time is done. Yet there is no end in sight to the damned situation that we live with every day”.
“I understand…  Do you remember when we were squires? When Melkin and I fell in the Nader?” It seemed like an eternity ago. How different he - no, they had been. But then again the world had changed even more.
“Before [[Gamond]] pulled me up I was sure I would drown… and then i felt his hand and saw the light… It was so beautiful.“ Pausing he looked over the hills and river were Ludwell lay.
“I miss that old idiot.”
“Heh, i remember. I was hellbent on winning that stupid race and didn’t notice that you both fell in the river. Sir Amig and Sir Elad chewed me out for that. It didn’t even occur to me until afterwards that you could have died.” Smiling a crooked smile at the memories, [[Cadry]] walked over to one of the chairs outside the pavilion and sat down.
“I miss my brother too. I haven’t been back to his grave since they buried him. I am not sure that i could leave it again. I left part of myself in that grave.”
“There's nothing there [[Cadry]], just dust and ashes.” Sitting down next to his friend [[Maelgwyn]] mentioned towards his new squire, whatever his name was, to bring them wine.
“My point is this: things need to be bad otherwise we won't appreciate the things that are good. [[Dion]] stop that!” Looking sullen the young boy returned the doll to the crying [[Erudice]] only to regain his gusto upon finding a roughly sword-shaped stick.
“And to realise what's important you sometimes need to be close to death.”
“Perhaps you are right, all things must balance out in the end, even though sometimes it’s hard to see the good when the bad has been right in front of you for too long.”
Fidgeting slightly, [[Cadry]] shifted in his chair and drank some ale from his tankard.
“Tell me my friend, how did you deal with the loss of your previous wives and the entry of a new into your household? My family has insisted that i remarry to strengthen the [[Cellydon]] line with more sons and daughters, and to strengthen our ties with family from the [[Jagent]] side.”
‘’Family first is a good motto; although it sometimes get in the way of happiness. When [[Siân]] died I simply searched for a new wife to fill the void. Heck, we hardly knew each other… But when [[Marion]] came it was different. There were many in my family who objected to her; luckily she seems to be able to get along with anyone now. Except [[Gwynn]]: he never seemed to really accept her…’’ For a few moments [[Maelgwyn]] stared out into the distance, he hadn't thought of Sian in a long time. He was eager to change the subject.
‘’Young [[Padern]] is shaping up to be a good knight. But then again he was more knightly than some other men i know when he was but a squire.’’
Not always being the most sensitive to others moods, [[Cadry]] nevertheless managed to pick up in his friends unease and followed the meandering path of the conversation. “Well, he certainly has enough bravery and possess a good character and a good sword-arm to boot. He has some strange ideas though seem far too eager to throw himself into danger at a moment's notice even when there isn’t a dire need.”
Before [[Maelgwyn]] could reply, [[Cadry]] raised a hand and preempted him. “I know, I know, we were brash young fools when we were his age too.” Glancing at his friend with a mischievous glint in his eye he added “Some might say that we still are. Speaking of people that we keep for company nowadays, what do you think about this whole business with Sir [[Ennis]] and the inheritance of Hindon? I spoke with my nephew and he doesn’t seem thrilled at the prospect of being adopted or even worse: being passed by in favour of the older family line.”
‘’I have never doubted that [[Ennis]] is the brother of Melkin, i knew that from the first moment i saw him. But I don’t understand why he is SO eager to rule Hindon.’’ [[Maelgwyn]] drank a mouthful of wine and looked over at his, now more sourly, companion.
‘’I know you do not trust him and after that show at the winter court I actually agree. I believe him to be the brother of Melkin but god knows what drives him onwards after all those years in [[faerie]], and what deals he had to make to get out.’’
“Well, the countess made clear where we all stand as to his identity and i can do nothing but hear and obey in that matter. As for my trust in him, well... it is stronger than it was before, which perhaps not saying much. What he did in [[faerie]] doesn’t worry me half as much as his insistence on returning there, without even knowing where he is supposed to go. From what he has told me, it isn’t impossible that it was the lady who hold all of our chains that found him and made him her creature.” In a superstitious move, [[Cadry]] spat on the ground to ward of the presence of evil powers and then kept speaking.
”He might not even know anything about it, but if i were him I would be vary of regaining my memories from that time. They might very well turn him into a different person.”
[[Maelgwyn]] followed his friend's example and crossed himself at the mention of that horrible woman.
‘’Perhaps a person he doesn't want to be.. We would do well in advising him from going there. He seems to look up to us for some reason. Not like that [[Cynyr]] fellow.’’ Once again [[Maelgwyn]] glanced over the hills and river towards Ludwell. This time with less love in his eyes.
‘’But he’s related to [[Gamond]] allright, stubbornness like theirs is rare.’’
“Well, firstly, he is a bastard and as is commonly known, they often times turn out rotten, morally speaking. Secondly, there has, for as long as i can remember, been something sickly or twisted resting over the Anarawds. Some claim that they used to be good and loving men and women once. These days most of them seem envious, vengeful and vicious to my eyes.”
Following his friend’s gaze, [[Cadry]] also stared off into the distance in the direction of Ludwell. “I know you grew up there and all but perhaps it is a good thing that happened that distanced you from that family. Do you have any idea on what is going on with them?”
Sighing and rubbing his temple [[Maelgwyn]] got up and moved over to the cages. Inside the birds were calm after the strenuous day and he easily pulled the saker out.
“Well the sword is lost. But were [[Gamond]] and mother think they can regain what they lost by reclaiming it; they are wrong” Stroking the sakers nape he stood gazing over the fields before releasing it.
“The sword was lost because [[Gamond]] wasn’t meant to wield it. When he thought he felt love he felt lust, and he was punished for it. Now his family suffers.”
“Well, then that is a conundrum.”
Looking thoughtful, [[Cadry]] scratched his nose. “I know of several ways that a curse can be lifted, yet this doesn’t feel like an ordinary curse to me, and let us not forget that the rest of the [[country]] suffers dire travails as the land muddles on without a king. It is my dearest hope that King [[Nanteleod]] will prove himself worthy to carry the crown of [[Logres]] and maybe even the crown of the high king. Maybe then the land can heal and the cursed [[saxons]] can once again be driven from our lands. [[Britain]] stands by its sons and daughters, even though it took a blasted long time for the [[romans]] to be driven back.” 
‘’King [[Nanteleod]] is our best hope right now. But is he a better man then [[Uther]] or Ambrosisus? Will he really succeeded were such men have failed? I'm not so sure.’’ The saker was now barely visible in the deep blue sky.
‘’But we will have to keep on fighting, [[Cadry]]… and one day the reward will be the laughter of our children.’’
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Revision as of 18:13, 24 July 2017