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Wotan-faith shares many similarities with paganism, but focuses more on the aspects of bravery and war.

The pagan Saxons follow Wotan, Thunor, and a host of other gods and goddesses. A person may prefer one god over another, but all gods receive their due worship and respect. In turn, both gods and men are ruled by more abstract powers: the World Tree that binds all things, the Runes that describe them, and the Wyrd that seals their fate.

Core Beliefs

Outside the human world, and usually opposed to it, are fearsome giants and trolls, and the creeping children of the Night Goddess. Saxons make no strict distinction between clergy and laity. They honor their gods at simple household altars. Most Saxons know the prayers, rites, and sacrifices for birth, marriage, and death: for solstice, year-end, ship-blessing, harvest-blessing, hearth-blessing, moot, and battle. This knowledge is represented by the Religion (Wotanic) skill. The higher a man rises in Saxon society, the more Religion (wotanic) he needs, to serve properly as a warlord and a judge.

Eminent men descend from the gods and can more easily gain their favor for the theod. These goderes supervise rituals -but this may be a temporary or conditional role, or simply a retirement from the demands of Saxon nobility. Other men, seemingly normal, are one day seized by the gods to become berserks, prophets, shapeshifters, or plain lunatics.

One can learn things from them if one is careful.