485 A.D.
« • 479 • 480 • 481 • 482 • 483 • 484 • 485 • 486 • 487 • 488 • 489 • 490 • 491 • »
Once again the cunning Saxons deceive the clueless Britons. As Cyning Aelle marches an army to meet the British knights near Mearcred Creek, a huge continental Saxon army lands in Caercolun and quickly overmans the unprepared defenses of the young Duke.
After the wounded knights return to Salisbury, and their home in Hillfort, they realise that their homeland has been raided by bandits, who took their chance while the knight were away fighting the Saxons. As the year ends, the four knights hear what they all dreaded to one day happen. The call of crows…
Diversion, took place in 485 A.D. during the Uther Period and was played on 2016-08-27 in an unknown location.
Game Master was Ikabodo.
SuspektApelsin played Maelgwyn, Arcas played Cadry, AshFall played Gamond, EllenMsbck played Melkin and Skarpskytten did not play this year.
Events that took place during 485 A.D.
During the year of 485 these adventures, battles or other events took place in the lives of the knights in the story.
Player Journals from 485 A.D.
Every year the players write their own stories of what happens around their characters. Most of the stories revolve around the characters lives in autumn and winter.
By the winter fire 485 A.D.
Twice a year the courts of Logres gather to discuss law, war, politics and gossip. Here is a list of quotes that can be gathered at these events.