
The Irish are the dominant Culture on Britain's western isle, with a presence on the mainland as well.
The Irish people began "in legendary times," when the Milesians came to the mortal world and settled in the Emerald Island, Eire, which lies to the west of Britain. There they established a harmonious relationship with the spirits of the land, and a dangerous tribal rivalry that has kept them simultaneously lively and at risk.
They are a proud and free people, "never conquered by the Romans or anyone else." They love life and "live it to the fullest," knowing how to "both enjoy and to bring enjoyment." They have also expanded their territory and established several kingdoms on the island of Britain (Such as Estregales and Dal Riada).
The Irish hold Eire and on and of some of the land in Cambria and the western parts of Cornwall. They also have land in the western parts of the North.
Irishmen: | |
The irish is separated in kingdom or "Tuaths" and several minor tribes are part of the overall culture, for the sake of the game, they are all considered one tribe. |
Skills & Traits
The Irish are strongly related to the Cymri and, like them, their stock tends to produce taller, larger people than other cultures.
The Irish are famed for their musical skill, supposedly all being melodious of voice as well as skilled with instruments. They are also fine hunters, happy on horseback.
British Christian
"Joseph of Arimathea founded the first Christian Church, and from his monastery came the great and blessed Saint Patrick, who brought the new religion to Ireland where it took root like a flower in a waiting garden."
British Christianity is a local religion with a different infrastructure to the Roman Christian church. Key differences include that local kings, not Rome, appoints men to the rank of bishop, a stronger focus on clerical poverty, less focus on the concept of Original Sin and a different calculation of the date of Easter. (This last one may sound like trivia but, as the most important holy day in the Christian calendar, it is a major source of friction.)
Religious traits for British Christian knights are: Chaste, Energetic, Generous, Modest, Temperate.
British Pagan
“Our gods and goddesses live in the land and sky. We have revered them since the start of time. We will not abandon them for some upstart creed from far away."
Paganism is the native religion of Britain. A mixture of local practices and beliefs, Paganism is often characterized by beliefs and attitudes that differentiate it from Christianity. The most obvious is the worship of many immortal and sometimes deific entities called gods, goddesses, and spirits. These entities inhabit the landscape, the sky, the sun, the moon, and other parts of the world, and also the Other Side (also called the Spirit Realm, the Faerie Realm, or any number of other such titles). They imbue the world with a life force and consciousness. By living in harmony with these natural forces, people live happier, healthier, safer lives. Paganism believes in an afterlife, on the Other Side, and druids also taught that souls reincarnate back onto our side as well.
Religious traits for British Pagan knights are: Lustful, Energetic, Generous, Honest, Proud.