The Kingdom of Logres

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Continent: | Britain |
Country: | [[Category:{{{Country}}}]] |
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Ruler: | None |
Heir apparent: | None |
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Property "Name" (as page type) with input value "{{#replace:Logres||_}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Logres is the kingdom of lowland Britain, encompassing about half of the total area of the island and most of the prime land for farming. It is divided into 25-28 counties, depending upon the time period. The realm was named after the legendary king Locrinus, the oldest son of Brutus of Troy.
It is mostly home to the Cymric culture, and is in the early stages of feudalism.
In the current year of [[Timeline]], much of Uther's Logres has been chipped away by Saxons, Cornwall and infighting.
From the west, Cornwall has taken Tintagel, Ascalon and is continuing his march into the former western parts of Logres.
In the south and east the Saxons of several tribes are taking their opportunity with the lack of British king and are invading several of the border counties. Up north the northern king stems some of the Saxon tide but the northern counties are still having a hard time.
Main article, Map of Britain
- First ruler - Locrinus
- 390 - 440: King Constantine the Just
- 440 - 444: King Constans the Child-king
- 444 - 463: King Vortigern the Usurper
- 463 - 466: Interregnum (Hengist)
- 466 - 480: High King Aurelius, the Last Roman
- 480 - 495: King Uther, the King of Warlords
- 495 - present: _Interregnum_
The kingdom is old. Though the leadership of the ancient tribes lost their dominant political power to Rome, the people clung to their customary ways. The Romans left most tribal traditions and boundaries intact, as long as the peasants paid into the imperial system. When the imperial presence failed, Roman Britain continued briefly before collapsing as the people flocked to the warlords who actually protected them. Each ruler has changed things just a little, adapting ideals intoreality to form the kingdom. Now the kingdom’s Ancient Laws and Customs still hold sway, overlaid with the old Roman tax system, and adapted to support a militarized society run by warlords.
The old land of Logres is said to be named after Locrinus, first amongst the sons of Brutus himself. When Brutus died, the land was split amongst his son, his oldest son took the land he called Logres, the largest and most fertile land.
When the Romans came they conquered all of the lowlands, and when they departed the local tribes were left in command again. Throughout much of the island the local lords became independent kings, but here they continued to cooperate and maintain some unity. The eastern regions, once ruled by Saxons, reverted to their pagan beliefs.
Several decades ago King Aurelius Ambrosius divided Logres into defense zones each with a dux militum (L. “leader of soldiers”) charged with fast local defense against raiders. Each duke can call local barons of the dukedom to form an army to repel invaders, but the barons are not his vassals. Thus, a dukedom is a military administrative unit, not a civil one. There were six dukedoms in Uther's time, but in anarchy the title means little.
The kingdom is divided into 24 administrative regions called counties. A county is a contiguous geographic area that is considerable, but variable, in size. A county is not a political unit. It is strictly an administrative territory, and encompasses everything within its borders. Rarely is anyone ever the lord of an entire county, holding just of parts of it, even if he has the title of count.
Within the boundaries of these counties are the many baronial fiefs, called estates, manors, and honours, each with its own lord and its seigniorial court. These feudal lands are irregular portions of the neat county divisions, sometimes in large blocks as estates, and often as small individual manors.
Counties usually have a natural integrity, such as lying around a drainage basin (like Salisbury), along major rivers (like Rydychan), or around population centers (all). The residents therefore have a common interest, and the county court is where they express it. County courts are where the major landowners — barons, abbots, and bishops — manage their local affairs. Every county holds its court twice a year, an event of such importance that all landholders must attend or else be fined. Fines vary according to the wealth of the offender, so that a peasant would be fined two pennies, a knight two libra, a baron five libra, and a great baron ten libra. Peasant representatives from every ettlement in the county get together to stand witness in disputes, learn changes to the law, and enforce the results of criminal cases. Townsmen from across the county get together to trade their goods and the latest news.
The county court is where the king enforces Ancient Law and Custom for his people. Anyone with a complaint about a neighbor breaking the king’s law goes to court to find justice. The king will make sure justice prevails, because he is the fount of Justice. Ancient Law and Custom assures this, and everyone knows and accepts the king’s authority. It is simply what is done. These laws are all about one thing: the king’s property and his tenants. If one of the king’s laws is broken, the victim is usually a commoner, and he takes it to court to complain.
Every county has an appointed royal official called the county reeve, or sheriff, who speaks for the king there. He oversees all of the king’s business. He administers the county law court, collects all royal goods and moneys, pursues criminals, and musters and leads the county militia.
Each county has a royal castle that is held by the sheriff and used as a treasury, prison, supply storage, and mustering point for the local levy.
Towns have grown up beside each castle to handle subsidiary business, and these sites are usually called County Towns. Many of these have the same name as their territory.
List of counties
- Bedegraine
- Berroc
- Caerwent
- Clarence
- Dorsette
- Glevum
- Hartland
- Huntland, Homage to Est Seaxe
- Jagent
- Lambor
- Linden
- Lonazep
- Gentian
- Rydychan
- Salisbury
- Silchester, in alliance with Suth Seaxe
- Thamesmouth
- Tribruit
- Wuerensis
List of former counties
- Tintagel (now part of Cornwall)
- Ascalon (now part of Cornwall, Ascalon is also known as Devon)
- Summerland (now independent)
- Cantiacii (renamed Kent)
- Regnensis (renamed Suth Seaxe)
- Hantonne (renamed West Seaxe)
- Caercolun (renamed Est Seaxe)