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502 A.D.

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What we do for Love

The Knights of Salisbury gather in Sarum to once and for all decide who will marry Maid Jenna but after making their decision in favour of prince Alain disaster strikes. Maddened by passion sir Blains tries to kill himself and Jenna and it is only because of the quick thinking of Cadry that she survives.

Later in the year the knights ride to Rydychan to reclaim the land but they are beset by conflict and doubt.

  • King Ælle and the others challenge King of the Angles in his claim to be bretwalda.
  • King Nanteleod spends the summer maneuvering through Lambor and Bedegraine, accepting the surrender of cities and besieging castles. The Duke of Lindsey, with his army nearby, does not engage.

What we do for Love, took place in 502 A.D. during the Anarchy Period and was played on 2017-07-01 in an unknown location.

Game Master was Ikabodo.

SuspektApelsin played Maelgwyn, Arcas played Cadry, AshFall played Cynyr, EllenMsbck played Ennis and Skarpskytten did not play this year.

Events that took place during 502 A.D.

During the year of 502 these adventures, battles or other events took place in the lives of the knights in the story.

Player Journals from 502 A.D.

Every year the players write their own stories of what happens around their characters. Most of the stories revolve around the characters lives in autumn and winter.

By the winter fire 502 A.D.

Twice a year the courts of Logres gather to discuss law, war, politics and gossip. Here is a list of quotes that can be gathered at these events.

By the winter fire
Conversation & Quotes 502 a.d.

In the shadows

Rumours & Intrigue 502 a.d.


In the solar

Trends & Fashion 502 a.d.
